Author: user

  • Dispersion Modeling Audits: Model Results and Other Issues

    Dispersion Modeling Audits: Model Results and Other Issues

    On October 9th, 2018, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) announced and introduced its plan to expedite air quality permit application reviews at its Autumn Environmental Conference. TCEQ rolled out spreadsheet workbook templates that would take the place of many of the forms required for an air quality permit application. The rationale for the […]

  • Dispersion Modeling Audits: Representation Accuracy

    Dispersion Modeling Audits: Representation Accuracy

    Remember how we used to shop in an actual store. Remember going to the video store for tapes and/or DVDs. Think of how things are now. Those changes did not occur overnight. Also, the way these companies started out is not at all the way they ended up being today. Amazon sold books. Netflix sent […]

  • Dispersion Modeling Audits: Representation Consistency

    Dispersion Modeling Audits: Representation Consistency

    I listen to quite a few podcasts. I try to make the most of my time by educating myself in business matters and staying informed while on my way to run errands or shopping for groceries. One podcast contained a story that is extremely relevant to the NaviKnow vision. Let me share that story with […]

  • Dispersion Modeling Audits: The Audit Process

    Dispersion Modeling Audits: The Audit Process

    I do not go out to eat that much. The main reason is, eating a meal outside of my home, stresses me out. At home, I know where everything is. I know the format of how the food is going to be dispersed and served. I know where all the tools are. I know where […]

  • Call for Forward-Looking Companies

    Call for Forward-Looking Companies

    Sometimes I really wonder if I am a clairvoyant. The topic for this month’s webinar series was decided upon months ago. I knew the TCEQ Autumn Environmental Conference (Air Permitting Workshop) was going to be the week before the webinars were to happen, but there was no conference agenda out until a few week ago. […]

  • AERMET Made Easy – Making It Easy

    AERMET Made Easy – Making It Easy

    Do you remember the days when to go grocery shopping you made one trip to the vegetable and fruit market, another to the meat market or butcher, yet another to the bakery, and lastly to the delicatessen for your cheeses and processed meats. You even had deliveries from milkman and egg man (goo goo g’joob). […]

  • AERMET Made Easy – AERMET Input Files

    AERMET Made Easy – AERMET Input Files

    AERMET – As Easy as a 1-Ah and a 2-Ah and a 3 If you have read the previous articles on locating and obtaining surface and upper air meteorological and land use data (stations, surface, upper air and land use), you now are at the point of learning how to put together the information you […]

  • Mapping Land Use / Land Cover Codes from NLCD1992 to NLCD2011

    Mapping Land Use / Land Cover Codes from NLCD1992 to NLCD2011

    If you do chose to use land use data from the USGS that is more recent than 1992 (NLCD for 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016), be aware that the classification schema for the newer data is slightly different. The table below shows the mapping for the classification codes. Though it is import to know the […]

  • AERMET Made Easy – Accessing Upper Air Data and AERSURFACE

    AERMET Made Easy – Accessing Upper Air Data and AERSURFACE

    When I was in elementary school in the 1960’s and 70’s, if you needed to look something up, like relevant dates, historical figures and events, etc., you would go to the library. Being too young to drive to the library, I often relied upon the encyclopedias my parents had bought many years earlier; 1955 to […]

  • AERMET Made Easy – Accessing Surface Data

    AERMET Made Easy – Accessing Surface Data

    We are all familiar with buying a product that requires assembly, typically furniture or some kind of toy-like contraption if you have kids. The expectation is there will be a list of parts (all identified), a list tools necessary for the assembly, and instructions taking you step-by-step through the process. Sometimes, there are pictures and […]